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Publication details

  • Jan. 1, 2024

I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who have helped me to complete

the long way of journey of my internship and to accomplish the whole task of the report.

At the very outset, with all the impulse of our heart I wish to express all my devotion and

reeve- renice to the Almighty God, most merciful beneficent creator who has enable us to

complete the Report on “financial performance on Foreign Exchange in Standard Bank

Limited (SBL)” for the fulfillment of the requirement for the report.

Then I want to thank all the officials of Standard Bank Limited, Gulshan branch those

were involved. Firstly, I want to thank Mr. Anwar Hossain, Executive Vice President

(EVP) and Head of the branch of Standard bank limited, Gulshan Branch for giving me

time and sharing his thoughts and insights regarding their strategies and their bank as a

whole. I would like to thank him for giving me the required information to commence

this report and for providing the permission to do the required research work. Secondly, I

would like to thank my academic supervisor Shakila Jahan Nipa, Assistant Professor of

BBA program, for guiding me and for giving me the prospect to pledge this report. More

specifically, I would like to thank him for tutoring his time and wisdom.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my parents because their inspirations have enabled me

to complete the piece of work. Last but not the least I would like to show my sincere

gratitude solemnly to the Creator who has helped me to do the work meritoriously.
