First of all, I am grateful to Almighty Allah because without whose help it would not
have been possible for me to prepare this report. It is pleasure for me to present the
project report on “An Analysis of Employee Recruitment and Selection Process of
Dhaka Bank PLC”. The report is prepared for the purpose of completion of the MBA
program under the Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT).
I would like to thank my academic supervisor, Md. Mamonur Rashid, Lecturer &
Student Advisor (MBA Program), Daffodil Institute of IT for guiding me and for
giving me the prospects, valuable time and share wisdom to accomplish this report.
Also, I would like to thank my another academic supervisor, Md. Omar Faruk,
Assistant Professor & Head (MBA Program), Department of Business Administration,
Daffodil Institute of IT, for guiding me and for giving me the prospects, valuable time
and share wisdom to accomplish this report.
I acknowledges with warm gratitude the constant internal support, understanding and
encouragement of my parents and my elder brother. Without their support the work
would have been more difficult to accomplish.