First of all thanks to almighty Allah for enabling me to complete project report with
good and sound health.
I owe a debt of gratitude to all those who have helped me with this report. This report
would not have been produced without the utmost cooperation of some individuals to
whom I hereby take the opportunity to express my profound gratitude. So many people
have helped me in so many ways that I hesitate to list them, fearing that I may miss
someone. Accepting this risk, I will begin with Md. Mamonur Rashid, Lecturer &
Student Advisor (MBA Program), Department of Business Administration, Daffodil
Institute of IT (DIIT), my supervisor, for his valuable guidance in preparing this report
and providing me with numerous materials that were very useful in the development of
this report. He helped me whenever I needed.
I would like to thank all the concerned persons and respected teachers of MBA program
of Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT) for their assistance and cooperation during my entire
MBA program