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Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management(THM)

Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management

Message from the head of the department

Welcome to the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management at the Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT). It is an honor to lead this dynamic and ever-evolving department, where we are committed to providing our students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences needed to thrive in the global tourism and hospitality industry. Our department is dedicated to fostering a learning environment that encourages innovation, creativity, and critical thinking. We believe in a hands-on approach to education, ensuring that our students are well-prepared to meet the challenges of this vibrant industry. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, we strive to develop leaders who will make a positive impact in the world of tourism and hospitality. At DIIT, we are proud of our strong industry connections and our commitment to student success. Our curriculum is designed to be relevant and responsive to the needs of the industry, and our faculty members are experts in their fields, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the classroom. I invite you to explore our programs, connect with our faculty, and discover the opportunities that await you in the exciting field of tourism and hospitality. Whether you are a prospective student, a current student, or an industry partner, we are here to support you on your journey. Thank you for visiting our department, and I look forward to working together to achieve great success. Warm regards, Md. Jahidul Islam Rony Head Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT)

Md. Jahidul Islam Rony

Head of the Department

Why Study THM at DIIT?

The National University BBA Honours in Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM) program equips students with the skills and self-confidence to effectively manage and adapt to a wide range of comparative and constantly changing business environments. The program is designed to provide students with the specialized knowledge they need for entry into the job market along with the theoretical and practical skills essential for a successful career in Tourism and Hospitality.

Apply Now

Existing Facilities

Wi-Fi Campus

Experienced Faculty


Online Classroom

Free Laptop

Job Facility

Restaurant & Lab

Our Faculties


Student Enrolled







Fees Structure of Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Management (BTHM)





Admission Fees

Semester Fees & Others

(Lab Fess, Extra Curricular Fees, Development Fees)


Tuition Fees

(Per Credit)


Total Credits


Grand Total

(Before Mid-Term)

(Before Internal-Final)

Total Fees

5.00 (Golden)
















4.00 - 4.99








2.50 - 3.99








Note: All National University Fees are not included.


Any students adopting unfair means in the examination will be treated as the rules of the National University go on.

Tourism and Hospitality Management is a practical-oriented program whereas practical laboratories as well as necessary equipment will be arranged in colleges/institutions for practical purposes. In addition, the students may also get the privilege to practice practically oriented courses at their attached (MOU) respective hotels.

Students must meet the following requirements in order to earn a Tourism and Hospitality


Total Credits


Performance in

the course

Time taken

Cumulative Grade

Point Average

The degree to be


120 Credits

No F Grade in

any course and

minimum 2.0 in

viva voce

Maximum 7 years to

complete the degree

including internship and


Minimum 2.25

BBA (Hons) in Tourism

and Hospitality


The National University may time to time amend the existing rules for the THM program. The university may also make any clarification in regard to rules if needed.

Syllabus & course outline

DIIT (NU) follows the syllabus given by National University and each course contains 3 credits the duration per course including Mid-term and internal final is 45 hours. It has a yearly basis for two semesters and total 8 semesters, 120 credits.


Class routine and class

1.  Class routine will be prepared by the respective batch coordinator defining starting date of the class and probable completion time is after 26 to 30 classes (more than 30 classes depending on the course).

2.  The lead time & lag time of depends on from fill up dateof semester final Exam selected by the National University, because the curriculum including semester final exam is governed by the National University. In our organization lead time and lag time is observed by course coordinator.


  1. Exam committee along with respective batch coordinator fixes the date of Mid-Term & Final (Internal) Exam minimum 10 days before starting the Exam. Internship & Viva, Lab, Practical Exam date is fixed by National University.

  2. Generally, when the syllabus given by National University is completed half portion (class 12-15) Mid-Term Exam is started and after completing the full syllabus Final (Internal) Exam is started. Quiz, Presentations & Assignments are conducted by the respective course teacher. Per semester, at last 3 Quizzes, 2 Presentations, 2 Assignments have to be conducted.

3.      Midterm question pepper will be half of final exam (BBA, BTHM 35 Marks CSE 40) and Final (Internal) exam paper will be as like as the model of National University question (BBA, BTHM -70marks & CSE- 80 marks) concerned course teacher will prepare two set questions (Set- A&B) after discussing with other concerned teachers and submit to the respective batch coordinator before 3 days of starting exam. The question paper should be checked randomly (if needed).

4.      The Answer Scripts of the semester final is checked by the examiners who are assigned by the NU authority & final result is also published by them. Fo Mid-Term & Final (Internal) Exam the answer scripts have to be distributed to the respective course teachers mentioning the submission date of the answer scripts the course teacher will impute the marks on the result sheet within the date of submission. Before submitting the answer scripts, the concerned course teachers have to show the students so that they can identify their faults/mistakes.  The answer scripts have to be checked if any problem is arisen and preserved for one semester. 

5.      Periodical regular student feedback should be taken by the student monitoring team. Student monitoring has to be recorded priority basis for justification and further necessary steps, Random checking of the batch-wise files maintained by teachers will be observed by the respective coordinator and batch coordinator.

Ø  Make up classes for weaker students. 

Ø  Practical Lab ( Front office, Housekeeping, Food & Beverage service, Food and Beverage Production, CRS)

Ø Part-time job facilities

Ø  Fully private/coaching free   

Ø  Arranging workshops, seminars, campaigns & study tours 

Ø  Facilities for industrial attachment 

Ø  Google Classroom  

Ø  Scholarships from Daffodil Foundation: Full or partial tuition scholarships on the basis of academic excellence and extra-curricular activities 

Ø  Session Jam free 

Ø  Career Support (BCS, banks, BPOs, multinational companies) 

Ø  Hostel 

Ø  Intensive Care Sessions (ICS) 

Ø  Experienced and qualified  Faculty 

Ø  Multimedia Classroom and Digital Lab 

*** Tourism subject is added in Higher Secondary Certificate Education in Bangladesh

Public and Private Jobs

·         Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation

·         Bangladesh Tourism Board

·         BCS – Secretary, SP, Magistrate

·         Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh

·         Faculty at Universities & Colleges

·         Banks

·         Multinational Companies

·         Economic Zone



·         International Hotel, Motel, Resort etc

·         Cruise Vessel

·         Amusement Park

·         Picnic Spot

·         Youth Inn

·         Corporate House ( Reception, Sales, Marketing & HR )



Travel and Tourism

·         Airline Crew Member

·         Travel Agent

·         Tour Operator

·         Local Tourism

·         Tour Guiding

·         Tour Conductor

·         Meeting and Event Management

·         Leisure, Recreation and Sports Management

Catering Industry

·         Outdoor Catering (Transport, Institutional, Medical, Hospitals etc)

·         Chain Restaurant, Cafe, Beverage Management

·         Public house ( Convention centers)

·         Pub

·         Fast Food Corner

·         Boat Club

·         Golfers Inn


The medium of instruction of the program will be in English. Students can also answer the course ‘History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh’ in Bangla.

a)      There will be two in-course examinations, and one home assignment to be conducted by the course

teacher. Evaluation of students along with grades is submitted to the head of the department for

compilation and subsequent submission to the Controller of Examinations of the National

University. The routine for the final examination is spread so that those sitting for

improvement and re-taker should not coincide.

b)      All 3 credit courses of 100 marks and marks awarded are as follows:



Examined/Provided by

First in-course Exam


Course Teacher

Second in-course Exam


Course Teacher

Assignment and Presentation


Course Teacher



Course Teacher

Semester Final Examination


Single Examination



The duration of the practical examination will be of 3 hours. The practical examinations have to be conducted by two internal and two external examiners. The external examiners should be teachers from different Public/Private.

Universities or relevant Colleges/Institutes of the country. The practical examination will be conducted by the National University. Full marks for practical examinations and field work will be 40 marks for each course. The fieldwork will be conducted and evaluated by the respective course teachers of institutions.

Students are required to appear before an oral exam (viva voce) at the end of their fourth-year exam. The weight of the viva -voce exam will be of3 credits. In the 8th semester, students will undertake an internship relating to their specialization area under the supervision of a faculty member. The internship will be evaluated by two examiners including the supervisor of the student and an external examiner. Students are required to defend their internship report to the examiners after the evaluation. The external examiner will be nominated by the National University.

The National University BBA Honours in Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM) program equips students with the skills and self-confidence to effectively manage and adapt to a wide range of comparative and constantly changing business environments. The program is designed to provide students with the specialized knowledge they need for entry into the job market along with the theoretical and practical skills essential for a successful career in Tourism and Hospitality.

The objectives of the Tourism & Hospitality Management Program is to provide the training, skill development and education needed to prepare individuals for effective job performance in the BCS/Govt. sector, tourism and entertainment industries. We aim to ensure that students:

1.      Understand the integration of the tourism and hospitality industry within national policies and plans.

2.      Analyze investment trends and Hospitality development patterns by international hospitality firms, and identify emerging overseas markets for Hospitality development.

3.      Understand the socio-economic impact of developing Hospitality in developing countries.

4.      Understand hotel management functions in a foreign country, such as human resources management, Hospitality marketing, financial control, accounting and taxes, and technology applications.

5.      Identify potential career development opportunities through internship programs.




Common Course

(credit x Course)



& viva voce



First year

First semester

3 x 5=15



Second semester



Second Year

Third semester

3 x 5=15



Fourth semester



Third Year

Fifth semester

3 x 5=15



Sixth semester



Fourth Year

Seventh semester

3 x 5=15



Eight semester

Internship report

(6 credits) &

Viva-Voce (3




37 courses 111 credits

9 Credits


 Each 3 credits course will require a minimum of 45 class lectures per semester (3 lectures per week), and each semester is six months in duration. Each semester will consist of about 21 weeks, in which 17 weeks will be kept for class lectures and 1 week for a re-examination break, and 3 weeks for examination. The duration of the class lecture should not be less than 50 minutes. The teacher assigned to a particular course should plan the lectures accordingly keeping in view the course content to match the available working days excluding holidays. The students are allowed 3 months after their final examination to complete and submit their internship report.

Every student of THM program must attend at least 75% of class lectures to quality for sitting in the semester final examinations. Students having less than 75% attendance but more than 60% canbe allowed to sit in the examination as non-collegiate students. Rules applicable for non-collegiate students will be applied to them.

The result of a THM student will be determined on the basis of grade points on a scale of 4.00

points along with letter grades. However, to determine the letter grade/grade point, the following

range of marks will be considered.

Numerical Grade

Letter Grade (LG)

Grade point (GP)

80% and above

A+ (Plus)


75% to less than 80%

A (Plain)


70%% to less than 75%



65% to less than 70%

B+ (plus)


60% to less than 65%

B (plain)


55% to less than 60%

B- (minus)


50% to less than 55%



45% to less than 50%

C (plain)


40% to less than 45%

D (plain)


Less than 40%

F (Fail)


a)  Promotion: Results of two semesters in each academic year will be calculated for promotion to next year (1st year to 2nd year). The student must appear at the semester final examination in all courses and pass at least 80 % of the total courses, for example, 8 (eight) out of 10 (ten) courses with a grade of D or above. Same rules will be applicable for the examination to the subsequent year is 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th year.


b)  Improvement: A student receiving F grade in one or more courses must attend the improvement examination (s) in subsequent semesters. A student will be given two chances to convert F grade up to B plus. If the student receives a countable grade in his/her first attempt, no further attempt will be allowed. A student receiving C or D grade in one or more courses will get one more opportunity for the improvement in the consecutive semester. In this case, he/she can improve the grade up to the achievement. However, in any case, students will not be allowed to sit for the improvement exam for more than two courses in a semester. Improvement rules will not be applied for in-course, oral (viva voce) and internship grades in any circumstances.


c)  Drop Out: If any student fails to qualify for the degree within the seven academic years including internship (report and defence), he/she will automatically be dropped from the program.


BTHM National University Syllabus



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